

How I Received My Cold
She appeared so elegantly dashing that evening. How could I ever refuse to properly excuse myself if those captivating eyes did invite me to reverently do so?

With gentle and respectable composure did I extend my hand towards hers, and said, "milady, I will take my leave now". She then looked into my eyes and with a smile replied, "m'lord, I am suffering from a cold. Please forgive me for withdrawing my hand from yours".

I looked away and smiled. Then turned back to her and said, "milady, it is but a cold". So I extended my hand towards hers as to insist. She gave in. Our hands greeted, caressed and farewelled.

Several days have passed since then, and now as I embrace a cold of my own, I think back and say to myself, "it was well worth it".

'How I Received My Cold'
© Valerio E. Soverano 2019