

I Miss..
I Miss...

I Miss being so young and childish

I Miss simple me with no care in the world

I Miss being so free with no thought of being self conscious

I Miss sleeping heart lighted with no qualms for tomorrow

I Miss eating every sugary thing that comes my way just because
Without a care of gaining a pound

I Miss laughing so loud or shouting my emotions out without being thought of as not having self control

I Miss feeling loved by everyone with out the thought of don't trust no one

I Miss little me without a care in the world

I Miss being me without having to face the prying eyes of people.

I Miss having full love, attention and protection from my parent

I miss not having to face so much responsibilities or having to fend for my self

I Miss little me without a care in the world,

I Miss being so naive, open and free

I Miss little me with no care in the world

Childhood is not just a stage of being a child, it's a phase in life we get the opportunity to do every silly things we want to do and making them a memory worth living for while growing up.