

May arrives at number five, it represents five to be alive!
*May* is the month that *arrives* at number *five*, it represents *five* to be *alive*.

🖐In this month of *May*, *May* all your 5⃣ senses continue to function properly.

🖐Because humans have 5⃣ fingers each, *May* every man and woman on the surface of the Earth to come to your favour and use their 5️⃣ toes each to locate you.

🖐We have 5⃣ major organs in our body, (Brain,heart, liver, kidney and lung), *May* they never for once become faulty.

🖐David picked up 5⃣ stones to kill Goliath, *May* you always be triumphant over your enemies.

🖐A star has 5⃣ pointed edges, *May* your glory shine so bright like a star.

🖐Jesus used 5⃣ loaves of bread to feed 5⃣ (thousand), *May* you never go hungry this month, *May* you never beg before you eat.

🖐The Roman numeral for 5⃣ is *V*, *May* you never be a *V* ictim of any calamity, but a *V* ictor in all circumstances.

🖐 There are 5⃣vowels of the English alphabet that make a word/sentence meaningful, *May* your life have meaning to the nation.

🖐SUGAR has 5️⃣ letter words, *May* your life begin to experience sweetness.

🖐WATER has 5️⃣ letter words, *May* you be cherished by many.

🖐 ANGEL has 5️⃣ letter words, so does DEMON, *May* Jehovah's angel continue to slaughter every demon that surrounds you.

🖐 ALIVE has 5️⃣ letter words, so does DEATH, *May* God preserve you and your household to be alive and never to experience any untimely death.

🖐 BLESS has 5️⃣ letter words, so does CURSE, *May* you be blessed always, and never to be cursed.

🖐There are 5️⃣ letter words in FAITH, so does DREAD, *May* your faith grow wide enough to swallow your dread.

🖐There are 5️⃣ letters in ABOVE , so does BELOW, *May* you never be below, but always be above.

🖐 POWER has 5️⃣ letter words, so does WEARY, *May* you be bestowed upon with power for you never go weary.

🖐 *May* you always take the RIGHT path and not the WRONG direction.

🖐 *May* Christ's LIGHT overcome every atom of GLOOM in your life.

🖐 *May* His PEACE calm your STORM.

🖐 There are 5⃣ letter words in the name of JESUS, so does SATAN, *May* He always come to your aid and save you from the traps of Satan, *May* He also settle all your debts this month of *May* .

🖐 Outstanding weapons in the Bible are 5️⃣ letter words;
the Israelites SHOUT,
Moses's STAFF, David's SLING, Joshua's SWORD, Jehu's ARROW,
Joab's SPEAR, and
Samson's TORCH
made huge impact and breakthrough, and don't forget also the ARMOR of God and the BIBLE itself.

5️⃣ letter words that *may* help you this *May*;

🖐Be BRAVE, don't PANIC!

🖐Just try to be HAPPY and avoid being ANGRY.

🖐Endeavour to make your surroundings CLEAN and not DIRTY.

🖐 Avoid unnecessary SLEEP, be AWAKE.

🖐 Think SHARP and not BLUNT.

🖐 Don't be cruel, show MERCY.

🖐ENTER righteousness and LEAVE immorality.

🖐Eat more of FRESH food and stay away from JUNKS.

🖐Be QUICK to listen and be TARDY to judge.

🖐LEARN and TEACH others.

🖐 THROW away laziness and CATCH hardwork.

🖐 Make your determination TIGHT and not LOOSE.

🖐 Don't DIVIDE your community, make UNITY Instead.

🖐Be an ADULT with full wisdom, and a CHILD with full sincerity.

🖐Do the RIGHT things and not the WRONG things.

🖐 BUILD other people's hope, and don't SPOIL it.

🖐 Begin with SMALL tasks and not the LARGE ones.

🖐Carry the LIGHT loads before the HEAVY ones.

🖐 Try Measure MAJOR and MINOR problems.

🖐 Make things in ORDER and not MESSY.

🖐 Never you RAISE your hands to fight, LOWER your temper.

🖐Stop LYING and always speak the TRUTH.

🖐Not every time you must make NOISE, try to be QUIET sometimes.

🖐This month of *May* is not the time to *runaway*, *slay* or *play*, but a time to *display* your *way* to *pray*, so you won't become a *prey* that will eventually *decay*.
Instead, use *This May* to escape from *dismay*.
*Pray* your *way* each *day* this *May*, that you *may* not *pray* *astray*, but to *pray* and make everything *okay*.

🖐 *May* this month of *May* that *arrives*
at *five* keep us *alive* to *survive* so as to be able to *revive* our *drive* for maximum greatness.
For with *strive* and *thrive* we cannot be *deprived* to *dive* into breakthrough.

🖐In this month of *May*, make sure you *say* positive things to yourself each *day*,and *stay* away from negative things *everyday*.

"May it not be heard this May, that you fell into dismay!"
