

A place of comfort and memory
Beneath the boughs of a sturdy tree
Where roots embrace the ground
A grave lies still, a memory
Where a loving cat could be found

A gentle breeze whispers through the leaves
A song that soothes my soul
If you look you might see, a girl sitting as she grieves
As this place makes her feel whole

My heart aches with every breath
My shoulder longing for a gentle caress
But here, at this tree, I feel the need to address
My ongoing love, despite the sadness

I miss that purr that filled the air
The softness of her fur
The pain is way too much to bear
Her presence now feels like a blur

Though sadness still lingers, here I stand
Beneath a tree, with a comforting friend
Reaching out as to hold her hand
In this place, I've started to mend
I hope to see you again

#cat #grief #loss #comfort #sad
© Oku