

Without you
The ticking of clock click each time
It fells as if my life is drained out
what am I afraid of that what you think
it's to lead the life without you with me.

oh! it's so harsh for me that you left
but what can I do other than to regret
you're the sole reason for my existence
without you life is just an empty socket..

I thought I'll call you sometimes
but the strength is alldrained out.
heart you took with you that time
remained mind, with your memories in it..

If I get the chance I'll ask you again
you can punish me if I caused you pain
without you there is no meaning in life
I'm just a poor soul love with lies.

I love you even today to this minute
but I don't expect anything in return
you may be faraway and leading your life
But you still reside in depths of my heart...