

new echoes
It's like the light of the moon,
shining every day
these episodes of memories, included same memories with our loved ones ,
same memories of loved ones
I believe that passing of time is its speciality
but some more memories of this year
were added to this lovely bouquet of memories
smile suddenly and remember the past moments.
is this the echo of new year,new morning,new happiness

every one has a lovely smile on their face
as if they were waiting for a new happiness
they are forgetting old scattered memories
learning to live happily every moment of own life
mind repeats this over and over again
is this the echo of new year, new morning,new happiness

the sound of wind is new
this echo spread all around is new
every scene of nature, spread own eyelids, spread own hands
forget all own problems welcoming the new year
is this the echo of new year,new morning,new happines
