

we're we were and we will be!
The nation reputed as multi-cultural
the nation reputed as largest democracy in the world
Has now been transformed into riots and protests campestral
Go wherever you may
There'd be crowds and crowds of people
Urging on the streets in agitation and dismay

Their screams and shouts against the CAA
which is binding the entire country away
O cruel people sitting in the Parliament!
don't you see the history's being repeated in yet another way ?

We're filled with awe and terror
There's a feeling of hopelessness and despair
but aah! why would you care?!
Your men are shooting down the innocents fearlessly
Do you even bother to realize what would be the condition of their miserable families?

You're torturing the souls of this land (nation)
when you've got nothing in your hands
Oh devils! Fear Allah !
you'll have to show him your faces on the Day of Judgement

#wewantjustice #wereone