

whispering nature
In whispers soft, as nature sings,
Her melodic voice, a gentle breeze.
She weaves through meadows, forests wide,
A symphony of life, nature's pride.

The rustling leaves, a tender touch,
As secrets whispered, they share so much.
Dancing with freedom, each blade of grass,
They whisper tales of lives that pass.

A babbling brook, a whispered flow,
Its murmurs hushed, yet somehow now,
It tells of journeys, where rivers go,
Whispering stories as they onward flow.

The mountains rise, majestic, tall,
And in their silence, whispers fall.
Their ancient wisdom, softly spoken,
Through towering peaks, their truth unbroken.

The whispering nature, ever near,
In every hush, its voice is clear.
It speaks of harmony, a peaceful song,
In whispers, nature's love is lifelong.

So listen closely to the whispers light,
Of nature's secrets, pure and bright.
For in the hush, you'll find your way,
Guided by whispers, each and every day.
© Tristan antwan heidelburg