The Little Chap Who Doubted
I can't do it
I just don't have it in me.
I'm not like the others
they swim freely
but I do not.
Look at the tail I got
it won't propel
can't make me fast
lost in the swell
bound to come last.
I didn't deserve this
shot out in confusion
bouncing off others
shattered my illusion
nothing like my brothers
I'm too poor a swimmer.
Making my way blindly
to where walls are thinner
if I even get there
if I can survive
20 to 150 million alive
in every milliliter
times it by three
we're awash to reach her.
What chance have I?
Who wants a faulty gene?
If my tail is so weak
have I the juice on the...
I just don't have it in me.
I'm not like the others
they swim freely
but I do not.
Look at the tail I got
it won't propel
can't make me fast
lost in the swell
bound to come last.
I didn't deserve this
shot out in confusion
bouncing off others
shattered my illusion
nothing like my brothers
I'm too poor a swimmer.
Making my way blindly
to where walls are thinner
if I even get there
if I can survive
20 to 150 million alive
in every milliliter
times it by three
we're awash to reach her.
What chance have I?
Who wants a faulty gene?
If my tail is so weak
have I the juice on the...