

I can't seem to forget!!!
I have learned to forgive you, but sadly I can't seem to forget you.

I often wonder where, and when thing's went wrong.

what could I of done differently, for us to get along.

I gave my all, tried to be number one, wasn't quite enough.

as bad as this hurts, it's only the truth, I learned to cope with.

living without you, is something I never thought I'd ever have to do.

A reality I now live in everyday of my life.

it's been along journey of struggling, and pain.

life without you, won't ever be quite the same.

I miss everything about us, the way you once loved me.

A memory that won't ever go away,

my heart aches, being left for someone who took my place.

it's made me angry, and have low self esteem.

Turning me into a person, I never dreamed I'd be.

never feel good enough, searching for approval from the world.

fearing to ever give my heart away, or to love again.

everytime I start to try to give it another chance,

I start to doubt myself, and get scared and, run away.

possibly throwing away, something that could be a good thing.

if I would have only knew what loving you, would do, and become.

maybe I would have ran from you too, it's too late now, the damage is done.

I forgive you, for what you have done, but I can't forget what we could of became, and should have been!!!

by: Elizabeth Smith