

Words play in my head,
Like fingers playing on a piano.
Temptation feeds my soul,
As I stare at the blank page in front of me.

Inspiration is what it's called,
when your hand twitches,
when your mind is bustling with words,
and when creativity strikes and holds on tight.

My finger caresses the cold keyboard,
the smooth keys bringing a feeling-

How I itch to see the words pouring,
pouring onto the blank white screen.
Names and words,
Sentences and paragraphs.
Until a poem,
A song,
or a book stares back at me.

How I itch to write,
Only because inspiration has hit.
Is this temptation?

This is how it is,
this is how it feels-
when inspiration has hit.
Or maybe not hit,
but rather has come to town.

Yes Inspiration,
A very tempting desire...
A desire I always finding myself succumbing too.
Because when inspiration hits,
no one can so no,
All you can do-
is write.

All you can do,
is dance to the tune.
As if a piano were being played,
your fingers dance on the keyboards until a new art has come to life.

© MissLulu004