

I Am who I Am
I Am who I Am
by TruthChills on January 26. © Maria Cruz, All rights reserved
There are some things that are hard for people whose hearts are broken by other people.

Hurt people, HURT PEOPLE is a motto for the downtrodden, then we run into God and we're supposed to believe that all is forgotten, much more forgiven.

Thus is the world we live in, dog eat dog, forgiveness is weakness and hatred fuels the flame of anger that's deeper than the deepest.

Explain to the holy of holies why you trust a man who stands before thee and lies to your face about an affair that you know took place, but instead you blame God for the troubles.
His response "Don't you know who I am? Most definitely not a man I. I don't lie couldn't even if I try, what do you wish me to do? Repent to whom you?
What I say goes from beginning to end, what I say stands!
Should I waver like a human?
Would you respect me at all after that? So next time you need me come wholeheartedly and expect to receive put your trust in me.