

Weak intelligence
By first sight my first thought
A wonderingly thought it was
But I accepted it to my benefit
For it was a gift of knowledge

The sender then unknown to me
Yet I a recognised receiver
Now praises boost my prosperity
So I finally acknowledge a worthy deity

But these praises not as ordinary
It be a genuine one from deep inside
So is happiness to be my reaction
To this praising crowd ?

I stutter heavily upon answering
As if I am an imposter to knowledge
I serve it by my own will
Wrong that be by my conscience

It was known then that I am dumb
Then why a great knowledge my fate ?
These questions conquer my mind
And degrade a once worthy thought

Just as a thought of a human
So I stand firm against this conquerer
And reclaim what thou claimed
Rightfully I claim knowledge so wrong

My efforts invisibly fading
Motivation now a conquered thought
For my mother had once uttered
A weak knowledge is forgotten efforts

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