

You make me wish I wasn't born
Your words pierce my heart like thorns
Still they leave me no choice
Still I can't bear to leave
These days I face you calmly
My silence a risk to my sanity
But you never cared to think
How your words made me sink
This blackmail and abuse
I think are quite obtuse
But who am I to speak
You care less if I am hurt
Yet I wish I could heal your hurt
Perhaps if I could
You'll be everything you should
But my tears matter not
And my thoughts remain thoughts
And your warmth I have sought

You say I'm all grown
You think I have to understand
But I'm only 20
I still have a lot to see
You never seemed to care
When I spoke you wouldn't listen

That's all I ever wanted
20 years and still you don't
you would think I know better,
than to hope

© Dena's_poetry