

nothing is perfect
In the world where flaws are always near ,
Perfection's illusion is never clear .
Roses bloom with thorns concealed,
Beauty and pain in each petal revealed.

The sun's brilliance lights the day ,
Yet the shadows lurk where lights can't stay.
Day and night in endless sway ,
Each imperfect in its own way.

From towering peaks to valleys deep ,
Nature's canvas in colors steep.
Every curve and winding stream ,
Imperfect , yet a wondrous dream.

In human hearts, emotion flow,
Love and fear in constant tow.
Joy and sadness , intertwined,
Perfectly flawed, our humankind.

For in imperfections, truth is found ,
In brokenness , connection abound.
Embrace our flaws and fears as one,
In nothing perfect , we are undone .
© Ayhdnas