

Every person is special to someone at one time or the other ❣️
"Every person is special
to someone at one time or the other,

Only for a short time but one is definitely happy,

At that time the person is living that moment forgetting all his/her troubles,

And cherishing the beautiful memories of that beautiful moments in his/her heart,

Then the person feels most special and fortunate for that person,

At that time, a person feels as if he/she is travelling in the open sky,

That too without any fear and without any restrictions,

At that time the person is completely lost in that special person,

Then the person feels like a free bird
free from all bondages,

such a pleasant moment would have come at some point in every person's life,

At that time a person is happy from the heart and the glow of happiness is visible from the eyes,

Then the person is not thinking that such a moment and how long that special person be with him/her,

Because this time is busy only in cherishing happiness,

Even if it's for a short time, it definitely
brings peace to the heart as well as the soul,

Every person is special to someone at the one time or other

Every person is special to someone at one time or the other,

And this spring, this love, at some point or the other, everyone has definitely lived it,,.

© Shama writes ✍️

#writcopoem #specialperson #love&love #springoflove #pleasantmoment #cherishinghappiness #freebird #freebondage #beautifulmemories #every_person_is_special_to_someone_at_onetime_or_the_other