

When despair appears at your door, greet it with hope. When suffering looks through your window, ask another for some assistance. When fear sends you mail, discard it and write back words of love.

In the face of hatred, offer a smile. In the absence of meaning, carry on. In the lack of things, remember the abundance of things.

If your heart skips a beat, do not miss it. If you lose your breath, breathe deeply. If your life, for one second, seems not to be worth living, pause and realize that if not for you, or your journey, the world would not be as much a miracle.

There is a purpose. There is a plan. There is a destiny. These three are at the same time set and also subject to change.

You are the coceator of the very will of God. You are a part of a goodness that flows through all things. You, my friend, are the manifestation of what is needed in the world.