

Sorrows of Young Werther
I can't stand the fact anymore
that we will never be together.
I'd rather leave forever
and I will relieve myself
of the pain of love.

The thought of a future without you tortures me,
tearing me to pieces until I turn to dust.
Death in your arms is tempting
- no, I'm not afraid of death.

I always have you in front of my eyes
knowing you'll never be mine.
You are the beautiful cause of my death,
I say goodbye to life for you.

Lotty, bring me the guns,
I want to take my soul out of my body.
I believe the two of us will meet
on the other side,
until you too decide to run away
from life.


Based on the novel The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang Goethe.
© Adrienne Vágenknechtová

#love #poem #Existence #torture #inspirational #death #Soul