

A drop of life

I fell from the sky, a tiny soul,
A droplet of life, with a story to unfold.
From heavens above, I began my quest,
A journey of wonder, with every test.

I merged with others, forming a stream,
Together we flowed, a life-giving dream.
We nourished the earth, quenched its thirst,
Brought life to parched lands, and made them burst.

I traversed mountains, valleys so deep,
Met diverse faces, in endless sleep.
I washed away fears, and soothed each pain,
Brought hope to hearts, like summer rain.

As I flowed on, my shape shifted fast,
From droplet to wave, my story amassed.
I collected tales, of joy and strife,
A tiny witness, to the beauty of life.

Now, as I merge, with the ocean's roar,
My essence remains, forever more.
A drop of life, in the vast blue sea,
A part of something greater, than me.

© Mercy