

who would've thought
Who would've thought...
it's 2 a.m. and I'm writing to you
not to say goodbye, not to say I'm mad
not to question yourself and will
but to thank you for staying with me.

Who would've thought that all those feelings and thoughts found their way to you,
if not for all the suffering and cries,
if not for all the lies,
I wouldn't be here, feeling so close to you
laying in your peace and love, a love beyond compare.

Who would've thought that despite the curses I said to you,
all the blame I wrongfully placed on you
you would stay with me,
when I didn't let you talk and when I pretended not to listen to your sincere words
you stayed and loved me with no compare.

In a world full of evil and wars,
who would've thought that a love like yours is waiting for us.
