

A Mother's Struggle With Addiction?
More like a Poet's struggle with copyright.
Changing the words and changing the lines
doesn't in fact mean that you are not
ripping someone off for their hard earned work.

If i take the text of Lord of the Rings and change Frodo to Frildo and Bilbo to Balbo, Dumbledore to Johnny-Apple-Sauce and Legolas to Armoless.
Instead of a ring they carry a bracelet
Instead of a smeagle it's a crufts-level beagle.

If I do that without labelling my work as a parody
or at least as being derived from the master, Tolkien.
If i leave comments on it stating how I feel when I "wrote my piece"
or say how this one is "MY FAVORITE POEM TO WRITE"

Then surely all I am doing is STEALING ART.