

Beautiful little fool.
That's what you are
A pawn in the game of chess
Meant to be played over and over again
Oh beautiful little girl
Why have you chosen this path
Filled with shame and pain all along the way
Laced with thorns and smiles spiked with poison.
What a beautiful little fool you are
Didn't your mama warn you.?
Never to fall into his hands
Was he sweet and adoring ?
His patchwork of promises a steady threshold to vouch upon?
Your obsession a steady dose of valium.
Did his stale punchlines make you blush like a fool?
Making you forget your Mama's rule?
Oh beautiful little fool
It's not a crime to love and be loved.
But where was your patience when you were asked to wait before?
Why the unnecessary haste.
Ignoring your Mama's complaints
He's going to be the end of you
Your very own devil!!
Oh I love him you don't know the real meaning of love mama you complained?
You disregard your mama and hang onto him like a leech.
Now you're in hell
Screaming and gnashing your teeth
Oh beautiful little fool
Tainted in scars and your own blood.
His whips your body has been trained to adapt to.
His footsteps your worst nightmares.
Oh my love I'm home!!
A battle of the mind and your raging conscience
With his loaded gun hidden beneath the pillow.
One last kiss one last embrace.
I loved you beyond anything babe.
Go to hell it's your day.
With trembling hands you shoot him in the head
A wave of surprise at the murderous look in your eyes
He falls flat dead lifeless on the terrace .
You just killed your love.
Oh beautiful little fool
What are you going to do.
Are you going to shoot yourself too?
Who knows what you might do.
Oops maybe you would
Because you call the police crying and say I just killed my husband and I'm going to kill myself too.
A single shot and your life plays itself in front of you .
With your Mama's shrill laughter resounding in your ears
Oh my sweet beautiful little girl didn't I tell you ?
That he was going to be the death of you?
Now this is where you'll end.
Bathed in your own blood
Dead and lifeless in your very own personal hell.
Ella Paul 2022

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