

memories of the past
#WritcoPoemPrompt49 @AtulPurohit
The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
They hold memories,
Of my childhood, are something I replaced, but when I was little there was no chalk and my father heard voices that would talk, my childhood was very bad in fact most people it would make them sad sucks to know that I did not have a father who loved me and memories that last all I have is bad memories and Trauma from the past. a father who was not sane left out in the cold dark rain he says that he's Jesus Christ this is impossible I know for the Bible tells me so don't get me wrong just because I had a bad childhood things I live no child should you have memories warm beds good meals I can't even tell you how it feels but when I see a loving mom and dad I know it's something I never had but it gives me hope when I see a father kissing his daughter genuinely I still doubt in my heart that a father could love his daughter and and be normal the pain I carry is eternal and my heart play Young and pure laughter and happiness is the cure don't let bad make you sad but use it to make you strong when they treat you wrong
© Betty miller