

Loosing it
If only I could see your heart ❤
Wide and clear

If only I could tell you love me
not lust me💔

If only I could tell you will cherish me
not lose interest in me

If only I didn't guard my heart for so long
I got tall walls built up and held strong

I thought I would never feel love
but from the thought of you
I could feel the cracks of my walls
It's all you
from the first sight of you
I got sold
The feelings you give me
I deny it, but I could feel myself loosing concentration

I'm loosing it

What you make me do
How you make me restless

I'm so use to you
All this feels weird
If they call this love, I'm done for

I don't want this for myself
but with you here I'm loosing it

You make me loose it

If it's you I'm loosing it

Bit by bit I'm loosing it
