

if the stars could speak
Two different kinds of love for two different lovers you're my sunshine but shes my moon light.

why would I trade the day for Night.
I ask what it is I have against the day with all the beauty in the sun rays but I dont think it's "what"

I believe it's who,I'm up at night because for a breif moment there's Noone else but me and the moon.

I ask why would I trade night for day.
I could spend forever with you my supernova summoning of a sunrise with beautiful brown eyes
Noone is scared of a rainy day but rain at night could bring a storm.

Around here we all look the same in the moon light or sun rays but i hide from it all the same if the scars of my heart could sing they would adopt the voice of the stars and speak on my affairs with the moon.

but how does one break the news that they have fallen in love with the moon without destroying the beautiful sun that is you.© shrouded