

my last words
Think about a time in your life when you couldn’t make a decision, and write a poem based on it.

*omwana one* (my son)

like a crippled man
either way has a chance to heal
or become lamed forever
mine story on earth is at the pick
i'm running short of breathe
the flesh cant breath longer.
mwana yaerire.(its over son)

use your eyes to smell,
you will say its impossible father,
suppose i had a big field,
you would have wished my death long ago
but with me,i have a fortune
and i can see it through your eyes.

a new born calf comes to the world,
does it ever have a chance to see the dad??
i guess yes,but do you think dad ever feeds it??
no!!so the short time i have had with you,
at least a decade, you are now a man.

the comfort of sleep depends,
on the size of the beddings,oh yes
no lie but i doubt,how does a poor man,
sleep on a mat and never wakes up early.
but i hope this is not you my child,
promise to wake up early and sleep late.

the first male kin of a king grows to rule,
a young male cub grows to be a jungle ruler,
i know i have not given you a tittle,
because i was nothing in this world,
but i know you can live your dream,
destine your self to what you really made of.
mwana gachie osome.(son get an education)

this are my last words.
(lies in his bed breathless,Omari yells..."i am an orphan at 12 yrs")
© 🩸...JB...🩸