

Funny how the words only seem to flow when no one wants to hear.
Funny how the sun only seems warm when I'm sitting in the dark wondering if it will rise again.
My philosophy professor said the you can never step in the same river twice.
Maybe he was right, maybe I just miss the light.
Maybe I'm afraid of the night, afraid of the fight.
Maybe the choices we make lead to each mistake, each smile, each wake.
Maybe we'll stay asleep, while we weep for the dying of the light.
Funny how we're all afraid of the other, one another.
We'd rather smother under held words than admit we're all human.
Post the picture, happy smiles, perfect pose, Facebook prose in view of all.
Words crafted, deleted and crafted again.
Post for the ghosts, post for the likes.
Post to avoid social heads on spikes.
Cats, and snails and epic fails.
All eyes on screens, ignore history's tales.
Laugh, distract, happy times, ignore our failure to act.
Don't assign blame, ignore the flames.
Ones man's apocalypse is another man's game.
Watch the pixeled heads. Voices on the screen.
Listen, obey, they'll tell is what our suffering should mean.
Assigning meaning to pain like Webster to words.
I hope I'm a noun, not a verb.
Funny how these words, random and few, burn a hole into you.
Guilt for things unsaid before they were dead.
Should have gone, should have stayed, should have paid.
Should have prayed.
Now the memories echo in the dark, while we pray to God, the sky, the Starks.
So who now, then, are we?
Neither indentured nor free.
Flitting lives across the canyons of time? Words fit together in rhyme?
Nah, we are the storm that kills the light and brings the night.
These words just a shadow in the corner.