

Satan's partner
Satan's partner walks unseen, in the dance of sin and death.
Hand in hand, they weave through night, a path lit by despair,
Together in dark communion, against the divine they bear.

Yet, in the heart that's bound by chains, a sliver of hope remains,
For the Lord, in His great mercy, to lost souls, His voice sustains.
"You're not forgotten," He whispers clear, through the murmurs of despair,
To Satan's partner, He calls, "Return, let's mend what's broken there."

From the depths of earthly bonds, a signal of grace extends,
God's love, an open invitation, across the void, it sends.
If you're a spouse to the devil, in shadows, tightly bound,
Know that God's arms are wide open, a new partnership is found.

In the stillness of the night, when all seems lost and grim,
Remember His promise lingers, a chance to start anew, to Him.
From Satan's partner to His child, a path of light appears,
A divine partnership awaits, for those with ears that hear.

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Ruth Oyerinde.