

Devil existed long before Eve
He was an angel, a pure beauty and kind mind
But he fell before anyone could belive
Belive in his dreams and ideas, but thats not how it all was
The bible tells us stories, saying God is protecter, our father and shielder
but he never let us belive, belive in our own dreams, belive in ourselfs instead of the ones that hurt us
He says what is wrong and what is right,
not letting us have our own opinion
telling us that man are better, and woman as leader is just a fiction
Letting us suffer from all rules, some that doesnt even make sence.
Devil is someone i trust, under his watch i am my own God.
Letting myself have the chance to walk,
while i watch the Devil dance
When i was young i didnt know if i could join him, but now im by his side
And no matter what anyone says, my decision is firm.