

Night Whistling
In the veil of darkness, where shadows take flight,
Lies a cautionary tale, of a hauntingly eerie plight.
This is a poem, my dear friend, to warn you right,
Why you mustn't whistle, beneath the moon's soft light.

When twilight descends, and the sun bids adieu,
The nocturnal realm awakens, with secrets anew.
Whistling at night, you beckon a realm untamed,
Where restless spirits roam, and the supernatural is named.

The wind carries your tune, echoing far and wide,
Awakening creatures, who in slumber reside.
The spirits, they listen, drawn to your call,
A harmonious melody that lures them all.

Their ethereal forms, unseen to mortal eyes,
Drift closer, enticed by your heedless cries.
They whisper in shadows, weaving a mystic dance,
But beware, dear wanderer, for you're taking a chance.

In the stillness of night, their presence draws near,
Whispers turn to murmurs, the atmosphere unclear.
Their ethereal touch, a chill down your spine,
As their ghostly fingers intertwine with time.

Their world and ours, they're forever apart,
Yet the whistling at night can bridge the divide, impart
A moment of connection, where souls intertwine,
But remember, dear friend, this dance isn't benign.

For some spirits are benevolent, kind-hearted and pure,
But others, oh beware, their intentions obscure.
They yearn for a glimpse, a taste of our realm,
To sow chaos and fear, to overwhelm.

So heed this caution, don't tempt fate's cruel hand,
Respect the night's silence, in this enchanted land.
For whistling at night may invite unwanted plight,
Stirring spirits awakened, lost in eternal night.

Let the nocturnal beings rest undisturbed,
Allow them their slumber, let peace be preserved.
Embrace the tranquil darkness, cherish its embrace,
And leave the haunting melodies for daylight to chase.

In the realm of twilight, where shadows dance free,
Be mindful, my friend, of the powers that be.
Respect the unseen, the ethereal and unknown,
And the night will protect you, in its gentle, hushed tone.

So remember, dear soul, as the moon's glow enchants,
Whistling at night holds perilous chances.
Let the spirits dream, undisturbed by your tune,
And the darkness will guard you, 'neath the watchful moon

© Quiet Winter