You're a glowing light at sunrise
You're a light rising from the sea
I can see you far from sight
Glowng in the energy of light
But now you're something
That cannot be reached
I tried to hit you in your side
This no playing
I tried to hit your inside
This no joke
But I can't find you in yourself
Laying down before me
It's cold and calm
I sat down
Heart down
Body aching
Heart aching
I tried to hit your inside
It failed my every trick
Just too hard
You're a pure water after a storm
You're lovely cold or warm
I see the epitome you're becoming
I never saw that thus coming
It hit me, hit me...
You're a glowing light at sunrise
You're a light rising from the sea
I can see you far from sight
Glowng in the energy of light
But now you're something
That cannot be reached
I tried to hit you in your side
This no playing
I tried to hit your inside
This no joke
But I can't find you in yourself
Laying down before me
It's cold and calm
I sat down
Heart down
Body aching
Heart aching
I tried to hit your inside
It failed my every trick
Just too hard
You're a pure water after a storm
You're lovely cold or warm
I see the epitome you're becoming
I never saw that thus coming
It hit me, hit me...