

a visit to the past
The walls are caving in there is nowhere to go, but there.
I sit and wait, but nothing.
It's getting darker and darker with no way out.
I see a reflection of something, I don't know if it's real or not.
It was me.

The walls were like a mirror, but of different people that look like me.
The walls were now falling.
The people started to walk towards me like they could touch me.
They cover me, I screamed; I have no voice.
I look around
They were gone
But somehow I wasn't in the dark pit anymore.

I was in a room that looks so familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on where I've seen it.
It was my room, my old room.
I walked around
I hear a voice
It twas I as a young boy
I didn't know why I was here.

I just knew that I was there in the moment and felt joy and happiness.
I was back in the dark room now.
Things was expanding
I was home and I was happier than ever.
Just for that little sec of me looking at my young self.