

The Audacity of Flesh
Dear father,
Forgive me for I have sinned.
Still I beg you dont deny
My heart the ability to pump ,
My eyes to see ,
My mind to think.
My blood to flow softly
And crash into the vital organs
Living inside of me.
Or shall it grow wild
And passionately ,
Help me navigate
This wicked storm
That I have created inside of me.
Let it die and bring peace .

Allow these hands to create ,
Allow these legs to take
Me on this journey .
The one we call life .

Allow me another moment to feel ,
Until it’s time to be numb by death.
I know I draw closer to you
With every exhale of the breath.
As so when it goes in.
My nasty pride
Doesn’t allow me to cringe
As you breeze through me sin .
The audacity of flesh !

© J.Williams