

I'm embarking on a new chapter in my life
A chapter where I'm not bound by my past, one where I'm not haplessly pondering about tomorrow
5 months seems brief, but for me, it's been a whirlwind, and looking inward is a dark and lonely road
Complete honesty is needed, and often one finds things that otherwise should be hidden
Addictions, bad virtues, overestimation of oneself, the list is endless
Perfection is an illusion, unobtainable
And it is a quest I've freed myself from
I'm not a perfect man, but I believe the good I bring into the lives of many, render me okay in the eyes of the Almighty
I no longer live for myself, I no longer belong to myself, cause myself is someone I no longer want to be
I live for Him now and He lives in me, and even though I'll fall many times, I know His grace will be enough to pull me up again
My mind is racing with many things, ranging from my studies and my career afterward
Financial stability, family, my life partner
But I am also cognizant of the fact that anything that will be, will be, and I only have control of today
And even if my line is drawn prematurely, I'll be content knowing I gave this life my utmost best
How precious it is to finally have the peace that's eluded me all my life