

Moon Eclipse of Mars and Venus
Mars and Venus made peace,
A time for man to ease,
To fall upon her arms,
And protect her from harms.

They both project on moon,
A certain sediment is to loom,
As either eclipses the Light,
Planetary parallel might!

The moon upon us colors up,
Mars appears to fight, to gallup,
To discern the Battle,
His fury roars a prattle.

He seeks to conquer,
Despite anybody's rancor,
To be be formidable,
Not easy nor amiable.

His fleet pushes forward,
To receive honor to guard,
Nothing can change his nature,
That only the best is to capture.

He captures Venus, Wealth of Love!
She comes to aid him as a dove,
Her feathers fall to lighten his soul,
To give Peace that War stole.

Soft are her ways to assist,
Kind to not give up, to persist,
She sorts things out for our sake,
For she shares to give, not take.

She is the rose in the moon,
Calls the Divided to join soon,
Her spell is plentiful, in twos,
What is there to lose?

The moon screens us a play,
Galactic energies in planes lay,
As zodiacs spin and twirl,
Birthing beings through a portal.

Eclipses define a moment,
Millions of occurances on Earth,
Just happen, To lay and cement,
Entitled for Death and Birth.


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