

Poverty And Us...
A stolen morsel more precious than gold,
A stolen shirt to keep out the cold,
There is no price to hunger,
There is no price to shelter,
There is no price to kindness.

We often don't praise what we have got,
There's always a long list of bills that we've bought,
All of those things without any particular meaning,
And there are people who steal those things for a living.

They are stealing, and dying,
And somewhere its all our faults,
Cause we bought their part of meal and threw it,
Just cause it didn't contain any salt.

We say we want to eradicate poverty,
But what we are really doing is robbery,
We are robbing them for our comfortable lives,
And later shifting them and their lives to archives,

Far away from where we can see or hear their screams,
Screams that cry loudly making pools of streams,
And still we continue to ignore them, trying to get busy in our own lives,
And force them to live in hives.

We complain for their way of life,
Or how they live and speak and strife,
Is it really them or us,
Who made their life a huge fuss?

© Vaish

#writco #Poetry #poverty #humanity