

The Weight of Love

Love is not the easy thing they say,
Not just whispers in the quiet of day.
It’s the touch of hands, the meeting of eyes,
A promise kept beneath star-filled skies.

It’s waking up to the morning light,
With someone’s heartbeat matching right,
It’s laughter that breaks a storm in two,
And silence that feels like a soft “I do.”

It’s the tears that fall when words can’t mend,
The courage found at the bitter end.
It’s breaking down and building new,
It’s choosing them when the world turns blue.

Love is the weight you carry, but gladly so,
It’s the steady river, not the overflow.
It’s giving your all without asking why,
It’s the breath you take before you cry.

It’s a gentle fight, a fierce embrace,
A mapless journey to a hidden place.
It’s every scar, every whispered prayer,
A leap of faith through thin, fragile air.

It’s knowing someone’s soul, and being known,
Two hearts daring to call one heart home.
It’s the thread that ties us, though it frays,
It’s the light that guides us through endless days.

So love with all you have, with all you are,
Love like the moon loves the distant star.
For in every kiss, in every glance,
Is a fleeting, yet eternal, chance.
© Larry Ridener