

W for Writer, W for Wrestler
Writing is easy, just pick up a pen,
Scribble your way to freedom from pain,
Now, being a writer is no easy task,
Is like fighting a giant while wearing a mask.

It might seem like everyone can write these days,
But you can easily read when something is fake,
Writing and Wrestling come easy to some,
And other with practice can claim the throne.

But as there are different sides for writing,
Same is for wrestling too,
You got, the fun and the romancing,
And the dark side feeling blue.

I respect other writers, as I do respect wrestling,
In both there's a lot of passion, in both there's a lot of sketching.

But don't get me wrong,
Their fans are what's captivating,
If there's no audience what's a song?
If there's no other phone's what would be texting?

So to every writer there's an audience,
To every wrestler there's a fan,
I'll enjoy as the wrestling audience,
And one day a wrestler will be my fan.