

I guess it was a dream...
In the end it was just me and my thoughts,
A painful trap, long after you were gone.
I wish you said goodbye
Maybe that would make the pain go away
Maybe my tears will reverse back to my eyes
Maybe my heart will pump blood and not regrets
Regrets oh regrets ,
Why did i give you every piece of my being?
Why did i allow you in ?
Why did i smile even when it was hurting me ?
Why did i believe?

Cause even after everything I've done for you
In the end it was just me and my thoughts
You were not there to help me get up
You were no where to be found
When i needed a way out of this trap
Floods of memories came to my mind
Questions made my situation worse
I failed to understand
the pieces did not add up

I thought you felt the same
I thought you cared
I used to call you friend
But now i fail to even look you into your eyes
Your face, your name, your picture
It all brings tears to my eyes

It's like ike we never laughed together
It's like the sun never shone on us
cause all that is left is me, my thoughts and a dark cloud over us
I am cornered in a very dark place
I'm looking for light but i see none
I wish together we never saw the sun.

I guess this is goodbye.

© MakeYourHeartYourHome