

In The Shadow
As the light leaves
The darkness creeps
A discomfort I've welcomed
A discomfort turned kin

I used to be afraid
I used live in fear
As I slept in the shadows
Learning fear was never near

I see the sirens
The red and blue
Another body on the pavement
Yet there is nothing new

I smile and I laugh
I dance in the streets
Waiting for someone
To see the darkness in me

My mind is cluttered
There's too much going on
A simple solution
One bullet to end it all

Let's play a game
Heard of Russian roulette
My hand on the trigger
But God's hand on my life

Do not try to stop me
For it is to late
I'm not crazy
For the world made me this way

Rambling, stalling for time
Your wondering...
"Will he pull the trigger?"
It seems there is a shadow in your mind

© Chris, The Pretender