

The Delicate Flower
Who is she to you other than dust that disappears outwardly and drifts in the wind but inwardly a delicate rose made of coloured glass covered in chariot gold flames.

 She’s the rose petal of the soul.

Inwardly she sways and dances to the singing breeze and twirls in such a fancy manner.

Her master has hid her from such rays of the burning sun, from the anger and pain from the spinning world.

He cares for her precious anima (soul) to not be broken so he has hid her from the scorching heat, careful not to let her shatter her gold petals until the sun has returned to its home and the cool breeze embraces her reflective glass soul and adds music to her unfastened heart.

Her master one day wishes to show her out to her dearly beloved. 

After years of her richness being hidden in the dark caves from the world, he has made to set her out to be placed in one with her dearly beloved.

It’s a short poem about a girl that has a precious soul that no one else sees but her master. Each person sees her as just dust rather than how precious and delicate her soul is so her master hid her from the pain of the world only allowing her to know her delicacy after years of being betrayed from seeing her beauty. When she has seen her beauty she sways and dances to the cooling atmosphere breeze adding her reflective light to such things around her. When the time is set for her to be seen he has set her out to be one with her dearly beloved, one that sees her beauty and treats her as the delicate rose she is.