

Love Crazy
Love is a crazy thing.
You don't know who it'll end up being.
It started out as a work fling.
Taken away by the only person I was seeing.

She and I most certainly saw eye to eye.
To the usual routines we announced bye-bye.
Our memories piled thicker day to day.
The bonds forged became longer and stronger.

The thunder that struck me after I realized she's a keeper.
Can I even look her in the eyes again?
l always pick the battles that can't get any steeper.
Why do I feel like I've sinned?
I'm digging my grave deeper and deeper.
Is it okay for our days to be pinned?
Now, I'm chugging back sleepers upon sleepers.
Around in circles is the way I spin.

I thought freedom wouldn't lie.
Until I got shot out of the sky.
A lovesick bird can't fly.
A flightless bird may as well go and die.

A confession needs to be made.
Or else, these feelings will never truly fade.
I have to remember what brought me here.
It's because of the overwhelming despair.

It was the one chance to prevent myself from fading.
At odds with such an awful shading.
My carpet is worn from all the pacing.
The decisions were awfully jading.

I knew she was waiting for me to resolve the situation at its stem.
Yet, I couldn't step up to write the end.
Letting time waste away for far too long, it's the same as just waiting to be gone.

Have you ever seen a reflection that wasn't yours in the mirror?
The image implanted is replaced to feral.
Did it bring you along for a ride of true terror?
The deception is engraved deep into the mural.

Time starts to mock me.
It won't leave me be.
Every breath leaves me defeated.
Eternal grief has me stuck seated.

If forced to be engulfed with it.
Why kneel to it?
It's the time to embrace it.
Only then, can you truly appreciate it.

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