

Raped Girl

She was a treasure to this world,
She always flew like a free bird,
She used to play and used to swirl,
As she was her parents' pearl.
One day, tracing the edges of life,
She felt some monsters overtaking her vibe,
She walked with empty heart and long steps,
To ignore their essence and debts,
Those monsters with wings of Satan,
Rose onto her like lust riding erotic carton,
She tried to save Herself,
She cried to save Herself,
She strive to save Herself,
but those monster touched and murdered the divinity of that goddess,
Falling tears of hers,
Scaring Screams of hers,
Bloodiest scars of hers,
Horrible Pain of hers,
They ignored all of hers,
and ruled her body like a dead kingdom,
Leaving her body and soul shattered,
they rose up with laughter and went like disaster,
Ruining an entire mankind entity with pain so vast.
Society ignored her,
Parents ignored her,
Her childhood got ruined,
Her Teenage got voilated,
Her adulthood just got demised,
Everybody deceived her,
but atlast, she cried with silent tears,
deceiving her pain and never ending fears,
She rose above abode,
being accepted by God.
#Writco #lifeismeaningfull #poems #girls #savegirls

© Raynium