

Love and Happiness
Love and Happiness
George Schachle

Love, What is love? Happiness, What is happiness? I don't know anymore. I have lots of love to share and give. I show and give to everyone, but the love I want to give and show to is the one I love.
But I don't have a special someone, to give and share it with. Happiness, is what I love to have back into my life again. I'm always sad, happiness doesn't exist in my life anymore.
Without happiness, the love that I have dies. And without love, I will never be happy. So, What is happiness without love? And What is love without happiness?
I have forgotten what it feels like to be Happy and Loved. Will I ever feel love and happy again? I don't know. I just feel emptiness inside. Alone, scared, sad.

© June 16,2021