

When I saw seconds changing into minutes
Minutes into hours
Hours into weeks
Weeks into months
Months into years
Then did I realize that time is passing by quickly
Memories fled away
Some being good, others bad
But what hurts the most was that
I could not hold on onto one
I look around me
The only things I saw were rejection, loneliness, depression
No one to love and
No place to call my own
My life was shattered because of
I let my fears drown me
Yet a little part of me wanted to feel alive
It haunted me until I said
""I want to fit in""
Tried every possible ways
Went through humiliation and disgrace
But I didn't care
Till I got there (the place where prominent people get to)
Now I can smile at life because
I did one thing
""Bossed Up""
---priscilla Martin ❤️❤️❤️