

Live ( tw / self harm, denial to live )
They begged.
Live, please.
For me.
For them.

Live, you say.
How? I ask,
To your silence.

You kept forcing me to 'live'
When I've been denying 'living' for so long—
—that 'living' seems so ridiculous,
to me.

How? How do you tell a person,
who's dying inside,
to live?

How, do you tell a fish,
to live on this earth,
without water?

You even asked me to live for 𝘺𝘰𝘶
In your eyes, you matter most, I suppose
For you dare put a price on me
For you dare put more burden on me
Upon my already heavy shoulder.

I just want you to hold my hand,
not be the one that has your hands,
around my neck.

Live, you say
How? I ask and I ask
And at that, you—
kept silent.

© starchaser