

People turning into Robots!
I feel suffocated with this world!
Is there a place where I can be all alone?
Everybody is working non stop,
As if they are a robot.
No one nowadays takes out time for their love ones,
Instead of a few.
And they will realise the need of them when they are gone .
They think it's a competition,
But life is all about finding what you love,
If only one can change this messed up world,
And learn to live with love.
How can anyone can have a heart of stone?
People are becoming more of a machine.
I'm telling you earlier, don't lose yourself in this competition,
Cause you won't realise when you will become one of them, A robot!

{Please make out time for your love ones, Let them know that you care! it can save someone and please let's not become robots who have heart of stone}

Thank you❤

© Shaina🌸