


A 2 year old baby, wearing a diaper.
Get's r4ped by her father.

A 16 year old girl, wearing a simple shirt.
Get's s3xualized by people on the internet.

An 18 year old teenager, wearing a school uniform.
Get's hvmiliated by her blockmates.

A 23 year old women, wearing a formal attire.
Get's h4rrased by her boss and co-workers.

A 50 year old grandmother, wearing nothing.
Get's r4ped by her grandchild.


Why can't woman walk freely without getting hvmiliated?

Why can't women wear any clothes without getting s3xualized?

Why can't women live without getting h4rrased?

Oh, I forgot. I was born with this kind of society.


No matter how old you are, you get's r4ped.

No matter what you wear, you get's s3xulized.

No matter what you does, you get's hvmiliated.

Welcome to our society.

Where disrespectful and dirty minds of people are everywhere.
