

Something never change and that's the way I fell about you

Feels like fate does everything possible to a keep me away from you,

The things I do are truly selfish and hurtful

Here am trying not to hurt anyone or make her pay for my mistakes

At the same time I try not to hurt you and later be with you and the end of the day

Am an impulsive guy just so you know,

it's hard for me to admit I get jealous over anyone

well that's true but it's only you that is my exception

I sound so selfish right now, but deep down I know am not

it always feels like am sharing you with him

I can't stand the stabs in mind of him talking about you all the time

And I always having to lie I don't fancy you anymore, and how you were my greatest flaw

I can't stand the emotion of seeing you by his side

While I have to be 6 feet away from you each time

I can't stand the thought of seeing you kissing him at all,

Seeing him put a ring on your finger,

And I receiving an invitation card to your wedding like nothing ever happened between us,

that makes my mind bleed and die.

Can't stand the thought that he wants to be with you forever, something I am forbidden to do.

Can't stand everyone telling me you happy with him more than you were with me like I didn't love you more than anything else in the world.

And I couldn't stand the thought of you being at his home laying down next to him falling asleep on arms,

While he patiently sits still, not moving so you would have a perfect sleep , then he kisses your forehead quietly not making any utterance so that you won't wake,

as he tell you he loves you very much and you hearing his voice in your dreams, smiling with your dimples showing brightly.

Those thoughts were the final blow to my already damaged mind,

like the dim glow of a light bulb before it light finally dies off, so was I finally thrown into utter Oblivion.

The feeling of useless wrapping my arms and holding my mouth preventing me from calling out your name.

I lay down only given the benefit of seeing you fade away into space.

© Nic