

I was happy then you yelled.
Todays possibilitys seemed endless then you yelled.
I felt excited then you yelled.
Your shouts turned into tears.
Like its my fault I'm here.
I don't want to be here.
I just want it to end.
Im sorry mom I'm here.
I'm sorry.
Would it be better if I disappeared.
You yelled.
I yelled.
While he mocked my tears.
I'm so sorry.
I'll leave.
I made you yell.
I made you cry.
I"ll leave mom.
He mocked me.
Then you did, mom.
I sat there taking it in.
Absorbing it in like a damn sponge.
I take it all in.
The pain,the yells,the tears.
I take it all in.
I never let it go.
I'll leave.
© peace